That's a fair point.
Ms. Nadeau, there's a point you make, not necessarily that you want to speak to it, but I think it's an interesting point.
Mr. Cannavino, you talked about wanting to have more spot checks, to have the ability to just pull people over and be able to test them, or roadblocks or things of that nature.
With drunkenness, because what you're describing, particularly in the lower range, is happy-go-lucky, more aggressive behaviour that would lead to things like running red lights or perhaps driving too fast, erratic lane changes, the type of behaviour that causes accidents, should we not be focusing mostly, first of all, on going after that kind of behaviour—in other words, the type of behaviour that is more dangerous on the road?
Ms. Nadeau has suggested, I think, photo radar as one potential thing that we should be looking at, but those things that would indicate that people are engaging in dangerous activities. In other words, is it those dangerous activities that people engage in because they have elevated blood alcohol levels that are causing the accidents, more so than the elevated blood alcohol levels themselves?