The Canada Safety Council published some pretty good research, a paper, a couple of years ago. I think we referenced it in our paper. It's called, Low-BAC Drivers and the Law.
We call upon the provinces, we call upon Quebec, to get on board with administrative licence suspensions, and also to standardize the sanctions right across the provinces. Believe it or not, Ontario, if you were caught, administered a licence suspension of 12 hours and that was it. It was not reported to your insurance. If these were standardized across the provinces and you moved from here to Rimouski from or Rimouski to Vancouver, that would be right there so they would know what's going on.
At this point it's not happening. In all fairness to the provinces, they have a lot on their plate and I don't know if they have the resources to do it, but in time they will have to do it.