Mr. Moore, maybe you can appreciate my frustration here. In the last Parliament I and a lot of others, and not just from one party but from many parties, spent a lot of time trying to get effective animal cruelty legislation passed. I sat in a room and compromised, and things I wanted to see in the bill didn't get in. There was a lot of give and take, and this give and take happened between the animal use industry and the animal welfare groups. We reached a compromise and we tried to get this passed, and we couldn't, because we had a Senate that was standing in the way. So now we have that same Senate standing in the way, sending back incredibly weak legislation that just doesn't do it.
You're right, some convictions happen, but as I mentioned before, only one-quarter of 1% of animal abuse complaints result in a conviction. I would encourage you to go to your local humane society and talk with SPCA officers, talk about what it's like for them to try to enforce today's legislation, and then ask them if tougher sentences would help them. You'll get the most frustrated, tired look that you've ever seen.