Thank you, Mr. Chairman and committee members. The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse appreciates the opportunity to address you today to share our views on the issue of impaired driving.
As you may know, CCSA is Canada's national non-governmental organization, formed in 1988 by an act of Parliament, to provide national leadership and evidence-based analysis and advice on substance use and abuse in Canada. Accordingly, the issue of alcohol and drug-impaired driving is of great interest to our organization, and we believe we're well positioned to contribute meaningfully to the discussion. It is also an issue that has been the primary focus of my own research over the past 25 years.
Today I want to talk about three issues: first, lowering the blood alcohol limit in the Criminal Code; second, random breath testing, or RBT; and third, repeat offenders.
Last year CCSA, in collaboration with Health Canada and the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission, released recommendations for a national alcohol strategy. The 41 recommendations included in this document were developed through extensive consultations with a wide variety of stakeholders and represent a comprehensive approach to establishing a culture of moderation around alcohol use in Canada. Recommendation 38 calls for the adoption of the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators' model to address drinking drivers with lower blood alcohol concentrations. CCSA supports this recommendation.
The CCMTA model outlines a series of steps to improve our current provincial system of short-term licence suspensions for drivers with blood alcohol concentrations below the criterion for criminal charges. In many cases, the threshold for these suspensions is 50 milligrams per decalitre.
Currently, all provinces and territories, with the exception of Quebec, give police the power to issue these drivers an immediate 12- or 24-hour suspension. The CCMTA model calls for longer periods of suspension—seven to 14 days—increased suspensions for repeat violations, rehabilitation and interlock programs for repeat offenders, and a system of escalating reinstatement fees.
The short-term suspension approach is administrative and avoids the complications associated with the processing and prosecution of criminal charges. Short-term suspensions are not necessarily a severe sanction, but they are applied swiftly and with certainty at the time of the offence—two factors deemed essential to effective deterrence. Short-term suspensions are applied quickly and easily at the side of the road. Because of these laws, the police are able to remove from the road at least twice as many drinking drivers as they might otherwise if criminal charges were the only option available to them.
Short-term suspensions have been used in this country for over 30 years. Surprisingly, few evaluations have been conducted. A few years ago, I was involved in a major study of the introduction of short-term suspensions for drivers with blood alcohol levels between 40 and 80 milligrams per decalitre in Saskatchewan. This study revealed a decrease in driver fatalities with BACs below 80 milligrams per decalitre associated with the new law. Also, drivers issued a short-term suspension were less likely to have a subsequent Criminal Code conviction than drivers whose first alcohol-related offence was a Criminal Code conviction.
As part of the same study, we found differences in the characteristics of drivers who were issued a short-term suspension and those who were convicted of a Criminal Code offence. Whereas drivers issued a short-term suspension were characterized by their involvement in risky driving practices, drivers charged under the Criminal Code were distinguished by the extent of their heavy drinking. These data revealed differences between the two groups that go well beyond the magnitude of their blood alcohol level when they were stopped by the police and suggest that more pervasive differences in psychosocial and behavioural characteristics may underlie their drinking-and-driving behaviour. The two groups of drivers are clearly different, and these differences should be reflected in measures to deal effectively with them.
Over the years, many arguments have been advanced in support of a lower BAC limit, specifically a limit of 50 milligrams per decalitre. Most of this evidence is open to interpretation. Nevertheless, two indisputable facts remain. First, most alcohol-related fatalities are accounted for by drivers with blood alcohol levels in excess of 150 milligrams per decalitre. Second, in most provinces, a lower alcohol limit is already being enforced.
We at CCSA believe that the CCMTA model for improvements to short-term suspensions remains the preferred system for dealing with lower-BAC drivers.
Random breath testing, or RBT, refers to a policy that requires a driver to provide a breath sample at any time in the absence of reasonable suspicion or cause.
First of all, let me say that there is nothing truly random about random breath testing. The term random is used in place of more accurate and contentious descriptors, such as arbitrary or capricious.
Nevertheless, whatever label you choose, the strategy works, at least when used as part of a year-round intensive enforcement campaign. When used in this fashion, RBT increases the perceived and the actual probability of being detected by the police, both of which are key factors in general deterrence.
The Australians have pioneered RBT as part of an intensive enforcement campaign and have demonstrated some pretty remarkable success with it.
Thirty years ago, Parliament gave police the power to stop vehicles without cause to check drivers for alcohol use. However, police were not given the power to demand a breath test without a reasonable suspicion that the driver had consumed alcohol.
Although the threshold for suspicion is not high—generally the smell of alcohol is sufficient—it has been demonstrated that police officers vary considerably in their ability to detect the signs and symptoms of alcohol use. In a study where researchers collected voluntary breath samples from drivers immediately downstream from a police checkpoint, it was determined that the police failed to detect more than 50% of drivers with a blood alcohol level in excess of 80 milligrams per decalitre.
Now, I don't say this to discredit our police. I raise it to illustrate the fact that the detection of alcohol can be a very difficult task, especially in a brief interaction at the side of the road. Nevertheless, if an impaired driver escapes detection at a checkpoint, it serves to reinforce the behaviour and increases the likelihood of its recurrence. Clearly, a better model of detection is needed.
In the past, any suggestion of random testing has been quickly dismissed as a violation of our constitutional rights. Perhaps it's time to reconsider that position. Sometimes we have to make small sacrifices to achieve a greater goal. Consider for a minute the procedures we're now subjected to in this country in order to board an airplane. By comparison, providing a quick and easy breath test while sitting in the relative comfort and privacy of your own vehicle seems almost trivial. The need is great, the benefits are substantial, the sacrifice is minimal.
I would suggest that it's at least worth having the discussion. This discussion of random breath testing should include alternatives as well. One such alternative is the use of passive alcohol sensors. These portable, hand-held devices detect the presence of alcohol in the air surrounding the driver. The presence of alcohol would provide the officer with the reasonable suspicion of alcohol use necessary to make a demand for an actual breath test on an approved screening device.
Passive sensors are in use by numerous police departments in the United States, where they have been considered an extension of the officer's nose.The procedure is virtually transparent to the driver, and because drivers are not generally considered to have ownership of the ambient air or their expired breath, use of a passive sensor does not constitute an unreasonable search or seizure.
The passive sensor would provide reasonable suspicion of alcohol use; evidence of a violation is provided by approved breath testing instruments. Passive alcohol sensors may actually provide a compromise between the need to increase the perceived and actual probability of detecting impaired drivers and the protection of individual rights and freedoms.
The final issue I want to address is repeat offenders. Recommendation 40 of the national alcohol strategy focuses on those strategies to deal effectively with repeat offenders. Extensive research over the past 20 years has demonstrated that convicted impaired drivers continue to drive after drinking, often with high BACs, even while prohibited or suspended. They present an unacceptable risk on the road.
As we heard a minute ago, many of these drivers have chronic alcohol problems as well as other problems and require treatment and rehabilitation. There's an urgent need for more and better assessment and treatment services and a means to ensure that they're accessible to all impaired driving offenders.
Dealing with alcohol problems is not a simple process. It begins with assessment and can be a prolonged and intensive process. Relapses are common. In the interim, between an impaired driving offence and an acceptable resolution to the drinking problem, there's a need to incapacitate the offender to prevent a repeat occurrence of the behaviour.
A simple driving prohibition or licence suspension just simply is not sufficient. It's too easily circumvented. Something more is needed and that something is an alcohol ignition interlock. This device prevents a vehicle from being started if the driver has been drinking. Nine provinces as well as the Yukon have such programs. They've been proven extremely effective in reducing the rate of repeat offences among convicted impaired drivers. The primary drawback of interlock programs is that they are grossly underutilized. In light of the danger imposed by repeat impaired driving and the proven success of ignition interlocks, there's an urgent need to ensure that more offenders, including first-time offenders, participate in interlock programs as soon as possible following the offence to prevent further impaired driving behaviour. In this context perhaps it's time to reconsider the traditional mandatory driving prohibition and replace it with a mandatory period of interlock program participation.
In summary, we recommend the following: allow provinces to deal with lower BAC drivers with an improved system of short-term licence suspension according to the model proposed by CCMTA; give due consideration to the implementation of random breath testing and/or the use of passive alcohol sensors; and finally, encourage the widespread use of alcohol ignition interlock programs for all offenders by eliminating the mandatory period of prohibition and replacing it with a requirement for ignition interlock program participation.
I appreciate the opportunity to present our views to you today and I look forward to any questions that you may have.