Oh, I don't even pause; if she has any real impairment in her driving, this is a serious social misconduct and should be criminalized as impaired. But I think you've answered my question.
My second question is to Mr. Pruden or Mr. Yost. Recently I had a chance to look at a system in the United Kingdom--I don't think we could do this under our charter--where they take problem drug users and problem drinkers and bundle them together. They call them “PPOs”, priority and persistent offenders. If you have six notations with police intelligence--just notations, not arrests--and you have a charge that comes down the pipeline, then you have to have a blood test. By use of a carrot-and-stick approach, they divert most of these people, those who are alcohol- or drug-addicted, into programming. They think they're making a big dent with the program. It's expensive as heck.
Since the feds operate our drug courts, and since the Criminal Code has set up the drunk driving thing, do you think it would be at all possible for the federal government to look at, or has the federal government looked at, bundling this type of offender?