I would like to call the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights to order. Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), we are studying matters related to impaired driving.
We have a number of witnesses, and again I'd like to express my appreciation for their attendance. I'll just go down the list briefly. The order of the witnesses on the agenda is the order in which they will be speaking.
First, as an individual, we have Mr. Thomas Brown, a researcher with the addiction research program of the Douglas Institute at McGill University. Welcome, sir.
From the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse we have Mr. Douglas Beirness, manager, research policy.
From the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, we have Mr. Kwei Quaye, chair of the strategy to reduce impaired driving, and Mr. Paul Boase, co-chair, strategy to reduce impaired driving. Welcome.
From the Canadian Society for Forensic Science, we have Mr. Robert Langille, chair of the alcohol test committee. Welcome, sir.
As an individual, we have Mr. Frank Hoskins. You're with the prosecutors?