It's not specifically, of course, my responsibility as justice minister to regulate the security of government documents.
I would point out to you one of the interesting provisions recently announced in Parliament, and that's with respect to more security-sensitive passports and increasing the time for which passports need to be renewed from five to 10 years. It would be done, I believe, in the year 2011 on the basis that there would be increased security components incorporated into the passports.
I agree with you, Madam Freeman, on the security of all government documents. You'll notice one of the specific offences in this particular identity theft bill goes to the possession and trafficking of government-issued identification. My part of this scheme is to make sure that those who traffic, possess, and illegally acquire or otherwise interfere in one way or another with government ID are properly addressed in this particular legislation. You'll see there's a section that deals specifically with it, and it's something that I think is a step in the right direction.