Mr. Chair, I see the opposition continually bringing this issue forward and calling for a vote on this motion, when in fact there have been numerous opportunities. There have been at least three, perhaps four, opportunities when a member of the opposition has taken the chair. Even in spite of, say, having witnesses who have travelled to appear before the committee, rather than hearing from those witnesses, rather than conducting committee business, which we're now falling far behind on, and rather than even conducting this vote, the members have simply adjourned the meeting. That's happened multiple times.
I'd like to know if it is within the capacity of the opposition to continue calling for a vote when they've in fact been refusing to hold this vote time and time again, on a weekly basis.There have been a number of opportunities when they could have held the same vote they're asking for, and they refused to hold it. They adjourned the meeting.
If the opposition wants this vote so badly, why are they not conducting the vote? As a matter of fact, I've not seen this reported once, despite the following of this committee and the interest it's garnered. Time and time again Mr. Murphy's been in the chair or Mr. Ménard's been in the chair. They could have chaired the meeting, we could have conducted business, and they could have called a vote, but they didn't do it. They adjourned the meeting.