I appreciate that feedback. Just so you know, and for the committee's information, there's quite a youth crime prevention initiative happening at the four bands in Hobbema right now. It is led by two members of the RCMP. They have a cadet program in which they have almost 1,000 young people enlisted, and it's going gangbusters. I know some help is certainly needed there to continue with that program.
There is also the Pe Sakastew, which is a healing circle. It's a restorative justice facility there that I know through Stockwell Day's department as well. Certainly there are some really positive things happening there, and I know that advocates of restorative justice certainly want to move in that direction. Members of the community I talked to, chiefs and members of councils and elders in the community there, appreciate the crime and justice agenda that we're bringing forward, because our first priority, of course, has to be to keep the community safe. If somebody's not ready to start the healing process, we have to make sure that those who are law-abiding citizens in those communities are safe.
I noticed also that there is, in the estimates--I'm just changing gears a little bit here--$2.589 million for funding through the supplementary estimates to support the Air India inquiry. I noticed that the PCO, Foreign Affairs, Public Safety, and CSIS are also requesting funds through the supps. I'm just wondering if you could, switching gears for a second, explain the involvement with the Air India inquiry and what is necessitating the supplementary estimates request.