I get all kinds of suggestions, as you might guess, with respect to the Youth Criminal Justice Act.
I wanted to address one of the specific concerns that Mr. Justice Nunn was asked to look into, and that was the whole question of pre-trial detention. This was as a result of a very tragic incident that took place in Nova Scotia that resulted in the death of a woman by an individual who had been picked up and released and picked up and released. Quite apart from my belief that a complete review of the law is necessary, I felt that it was important to make sure that this was in there. So we introduced that particular amendment, as you know, in Parliament.
I was quite pleased that the new Attorney General of Nova Scotia, as well as the previous Attorney General, both publicly indicated their support for our actions on that. While some of these things are controversial, it's my hope that this particular piece of legislation, as we've introduced it, can move expeditiously through the parliamentary process. I'm pleased that at least your colleague, Mr. Savage, indicated that he generally supports what we're doing. Again, I hope that translates into moving this as quickly and as expeditiously as possible though the parliamentary process.