JUSTICE Department Vote 1a--Operating expenditures, and, pursuant to section 29.1(2)(a) of the Financial Administration Act, authority to expend revenues received in a fiscal year, and to offset expenditures incurred in the fiscal year, arising from the provision of mandatory legal services to Government departments and agencies and optional services to Crown corporations, non-federal organizations and international organizations provided they are consistent with the Department’s mandate and the payment to each member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada who is a Minister without Portfolio or a Minister of State who does not preside over a Ministry of State of a salary not to exceed the salary paid to Ministers of State who preside over Ministries of State under the Salaries Act, as adjusted pursuant to the Parliament of Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less than a year – To authorize the transfer of $547,509 from Health Vote 1, and $426,000 from Transport Vote 1, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2007-2008 for the purposes of this Vote and to provide a further amount of..........$17,812,007
Vote 5a--The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions – To authorize the transfer of $330,000 from Justice Vote 1, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2007-2008 for the purposes of this Vote and to provide a further amount of..........$109,475,415
Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Vote 20a--Operating expenditures..........$395,601
Courts Administration Service Vote 30a--Program expenditures..........$3,223,830
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Vote 35a--Program expenditures..........$14,226,320
(Votes 1a, 5a, 20a, 30a, and 35a agreed to)