Thank you.
Your intent here is very clear. You want to do something to address this problem of methamphetamines, and I think that's to be applauded.
In looking at your bill, I think the question I have, and that we have to be able to answer, is what substantive difference this bill would really have on the success of enforcement. We have to figure out whether or not the mechanisms we have now produce the maximum enforcement that we think we can get.
For example, we do have a bill on organized crime. In any situation now that involves people knowingly being involved in organized crime, there are very serious penalties. We've actually never used that. I don't know if you're aware of it, but that legislation has never been used. There are also regulations that were brought in for business licences on methamphetamine.
So what is the response to the problem here? Your response is that we need this change. But will that change produce any better enforcement? That is my question.
I think it's up to you to show that this is the case. Right now the emphasis should be on really getting into some of these communities and providing prevention and education about the dangers of these substances. That way we'd have much greater success.
So I'm still not clear on what you believe the success will be of this bill in terms of enforcement.