--and in city halls that have bylaws.
To that end, I'd like to dig right into the law and ask Mr. Cabana whether the RCMP and police chiefs in general have looked at section 467.1, which is the definition of “criminal organization”. I've been here three years and I know we've talked about gangs de rue, street gangs. I know that in the news stories--and we're talking about connecting with the public--we're talking about street gangs and gangs. I don't think you'll find the word “gang” or “street gang” or “gang de rue” in the Criminal Code. Doesn't that show a disconnect, I guess, between the laws as we have them and the problems we perceive?
In light of the very sparse declarations by courts, which are merely following the law on criminal organizations, do we really need to revisit that section and widen the definition, so to speak, or widen the net, to give judges more tools to deal more harshly with these gangs?