We're aware of some successful measures in Italy and other parts of the world that we can learn from.
In terms of download, we think that with the situation on the west coast—and it has happened in Quebec with gangs and violent offences—emergency funding is required. I think we should treat this like a tsunami, a forest fire, a hurricane, the Winnipeg flood—whatever it is. Let's do what we have to do to fix this thing.
By all means, let's fix it from the top down: let's get the bad guys who are the organized criminals and so on. But we have to attack it from both ends. This is going to call for policies that the present government may not have very much supported in the past, such as early childhood development, education, and literacy in prisons. All of these measures work; there's good evidence for that. But it's not just one measure; we have to do everything. We have to do what we can do first, and do it quickly. That's why we're delighted with the announcement that I heard today that we're going to attack the two-for-one issue. We're fully supportive of that.
Again, please put aside your differences. Let's get this stuff in place to help the police get evidence before judges, give people due process, get the bad guys put away or into treatment, and let the rest of us get on with our lives without being harassed by criminals—B and E artists—and being assaulted.
In Vancouver we have had a situation in which somebody, you'll recall, went into a hospital room and stole a ring from the hand of a 92-year-old woman and then got a minimum sentence for doing it. That's a horrific crime, and the impact was not only upon that woman but upon her whole family and on the sense of safety and security in a hospital. Give us a break; we need a sea change here.