There are actually two ways an individual can leave prison or receive libération conditionelle--parole--at one-third.
First of all, if he is a first-time federal offender, and non-violent, which is defined as not serving an offence under schedule I, which tends to be offences against a person, or who has not been convicted of a serious drug offence, which is schedule II, which again is defined, then he will be considered for parole. Unless the board can determine the likelihood that he or she will commit an offence of violence prior to the end of the sentence, we must direct, so there is little discretion within the law for those cases.
The alternative way applies to someone who has served several sentences, served more than one sentence, or is coming in for a first sentence that is clearly for violence or for a serious drug offence. That person is considered under the regular criteria for parole. The very first element within those criteria is protection of the public.
We look at a number of elements when determining the protection of the public, including the likelihood of reoffending if released. We look at what has brought him into prison, we look at what interventions have taken place, and then we look at what the plan is on release. In terms of the elements that are considered in each of those, the issue of interest here today is organized crime. Organized crime fits in every aspect of that--or gangs, if we want to use that language. Prior to that, we're looking at what evidence has come forward, and it is very clear that the board, as an administrative tribunal, does not need to have a conviction; if there is evidence or information coming forward that identifies that this individual has been involved in some organized activity, we can weigh that into our decision, unlike the court.
While he's incarcerated, we're also looking at information coming forward from Correctional Services or the police for further engagement or continued engagement within that same milieu. Then again, on leaving, who will he be associating with? Where will he be going? Are other associates who have been part of that gang in the same vicinity or the same halfway house, if he's going to a halfway house? It is clear from the evidence-based research that associates are a major consideration when looking at reoffending, and that is a major element within the board's decision-making.