Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'd like to thank you all for being here.
Perhaps we should just deal with the proposal from Mr. Rezac, that we bring in Statistics Canada with regard to the study. I think it would actually be Juristat. Perhaps we could add them to the list. It seems there's a consensus that we do that. From my perspective, in terms of the validity of that survey, perhaps we could ask them to indicate the degree of accuracy in the survey in terms of an accurate reflection of crime rates.
Mr. Cabana, there was a piece on one of the national networks last night on the use of the BlackBerry in gangs, mostly street gangs but I think all of them. The assumption--I think you made the same assumption—is that there is technology available to build in interception capability.
Is that an assumption on your part, or are you in fact sure that this technology exists?