Mr. Chairman and honourable members, my name is Jocelyn Latulippe. I am Chief Inspector and Director of the Criminal Investigation Services Branch of the Sûreté du Québec. I am accompanied by Mr. Francis Brabant, Legal Advisor to the Sûreté du Québec and Member of the Law Amendments Committee of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police. I am appearing before you today as representative of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and am the Co-chair of the Organized Crime Committee of the CACP. I would also like to take this opportunity to convey the distinguished salutations of our President, Mr. Steven Chabot, Assistant Director General responsible for criminal investigations at the Sûreté du Québec.
The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police welcomes Bill C-14 as a long-awaited legislative response to the homicides and other acts of extreme violence committed by organized crime. At its annual conference held in Calgary in 2007, the CACP passed a resolution to support the efforts of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice of Manitoba aimed at bringing about reforms of federal legislation concerning organized crime.
Three of these reforms are to be found practically in their entirety in the bill: making any homicide perpetrated by an individual for the profit of, under the direction of or in connection with a criminal organization, murder in the first degree; the commission of a criminal offence for the profit of, under the direction of or in association with such an organization, as well as the creation of an offence concerning drive-by shootings, and finally the addition of conditions that may be imposed pursuant to section 810.01 of the Criminal Code in order to more effectively monitor those we suspect may commit criminal organization offences.
Moreover, Bill C-14 proposes the creation of specific offences involving armed assault against peace officers or assaults causing bodily harm to peace officers, and these offences would be severely punished. These provisions have a close bearing on police work and the protection of our police officers who are currently being particularly exposed to street gang violence. Moreover, the bill provides for severe penalties aimed at repressing the serious assaults too often directed at people who denounce crimes. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police would like to see these measures as well as all of the others in the bill adopted as quickly as possible.
I also want to take this opportunity to discuss the current situation of organized crime in Canada more broadly, as well as what the future holds for us in this regard if we do not take remedial action. I want to direct your attention to two extreme situations we seem to be experiencing in Canada in the context of the fight against organized crime.
Indeed, police services grapple with the constant challenge of having to adjust to two current and opposite realities involving the criminal world, that is the increase in inter-gang violence and the increase of the infiltration of legal economies by organized crime agents, all of this in the context of borderless alliances among organized crime members, which involve different situations in each province.
The first reality observed by police officers is related to the fact that street organized crime has become increasingly violent and unpredictable. In that context, the trafficking and use of firearms is becoming increasingly prevalent in some regions of Canada, thus increasing the risks for both citizens and police officers.
Conversely, the directors of large criminal organizations seem to be attempting to adopt a broader perspective. These high-level organized crime elements are becoming more strategic, attempting to look like businessmen and investors, in addition to having learned ways to protect themselves following each major investigation. Thus, certain high-level organized crime elements are attempting to profit currently from growing partnerships among criminal organizations, but also from the globalization phenomenon and the difficult economic situation.
Bill C-14 provides measures which we wholeheartedly support concerning the fight against organized-crime-related violence, but we also believe that it is just as important to see to the protection of our economies and of free enterprise against the growing initiatives being taken by traditional organized crime senior members who want to join the fray as economic actors, but according to the rules of their milieu. They further their activities by relying on intimidation, taking over the awarding of contracts and the setting up of monopolies activities, which in the medium and long term will certainly undermine the economy and discourage honest investors, especially during difficult economic times. The infiltration of organized crime within various market economies is a serious concern we must address.
A number of sectors are already at risk: construction, transportation, landscaping, construction equipment rental, towing, automotive. Our challenge is to find legislative ways and means to eradicate this phenomenon. It requires a lot of police resources over long periods of time but often produces limited results. Not to mention investigations that take a lot of time, since organized criminals know how to protect themselves during lengthy police operations by making sure that all traces of their dirty money are erased.
I want to make you aware of two ways in which our efforts can be supported. First, by blocking the assistance provided to organized crime by facilitators: lawyers, notaries, accountants, tax experts, real estate agents and currency exchange operators. These people are all either corrupted by organized criminals or turn a blind eye to the illegalities. Second, by providing ways to encourage partnerships between the various law-enforcement and intelligence-gathering agencies. That is a significant goal.
Whether it be for financial matters or for intelligence about the various organized crime players or supporters inside different corporations or professional organizations, cooperation between revenue agencies is needed on fraud committed against the government or the many organizations or corporations that are the victims of identity theft, and so on.
Even in the exchange of information between police services and organizations, working together is a vital element that can contribute greatly to the fight against organized crime. Any other organization affected by organized crime must also support us, and we must find ways to encourage coordinated work in upholding existing laws and missions. We must work towards a broader partnership in matters such as intelligence and the exchange of information.
In summary, the two aspects that need focus and appropriate responses to the threats that confront us in the spread of organized crime are the facilitators and the exchange of information. We also have to deal with existing problems, such as the ever-growing and ever more complex disclosure of evidence.
I hope that I have been able to provide you with some awareness about the present situation and the realities we face as we investigate organized crime. The two aspects I have described are on the increase and will need to be explored more deeply in the future. Solutions exist and, as an association, we are ready to be part of any work that moves the fight against organized crime forward in the context of these new realities and the mounting threat.
Thank you.