I would say it is certainly the norm that they are not following that. I know, for example, that the chief administrative judge in British Columbia, Hugh Stansfield, said that not only do they take it into account, it is taken into account as the most serious aggravating factor. What I'm telling you is when I go down to look at who comes before the courts, who gets arrested for one crime or another, and then go back to look at their criminal histories, we find consistently that, for example, on their fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth conviction for a like offence, they will get the same amount of time. And I'm ignoring the whole matter of what their prior offences are overall.
When I did that analysis, knowing that it would be criticized, I also ignored “two for one”. I did it in British Columbia. I ignored any kind of sentences that were done outside of British Columbia, and I also ignored the reality that a significant number of offenders, at least in British Columbia, don't even have their convictions recorded.