Well, as I stated—and I think it's been reflected in the other comments—in my view, cannabis is the currency of organized crime. I think we are, in some ways, seeing the evolution of the proliferation of marijuana grow operations, which started off primarily in British Columbia. We've seen them migrate east and then become problems in other parts of the country. But we were ahead of the curve. And I know that later on today you'll be hearing from other delegations, more specifically Chief Len Garis from the Surrey Fire Department, who will provide information regarding administrative processes to interrupt marijuana grow operations.
In the city of Surrey in 2006, combined between the police efforts of enforcement and the administrative process, which is supported by the police, I think we interrupted 500 marijuana grow operations. So there is absolutely no doubt that while we can debate the harm of individual use—I have my own opinions on that—what can't be debated is that cannabis is a currency for organized crime.