Minister, since everyone is being congratulated, I imagine that you will not hesitate to congratulate me as well, because this particular measure has been in the Bloc Québécois' platform since 2007. So, I expect you to congratulate me and pay tribute to me for having suggested to my party that it endorse such a measure, even before you gave instructions to your own officials who, by the way, are quite brilliant, since I happen to have studied with your neighbour to the left at the University of Ottawa.
Having said that, I would like to come back to two issues. You partly answered the question about the definition of the expression “where circumstances warrant” with respect to the 1.5 credit for time served, but we did have some concerns, because there is not much information about what is referred to. In your opening statement, you mentioned the possibility that a trial could be unduly delayed and that the conditions of detention could be poor. You also referred, in answer to Mr. Petit's question, to the difficulty of being heard in one's mother tongue. That gives us some parameters with respect to what that expression means, but if you are able to add anything further, we would be very pleased to receive some additional clarification.
The same ambiguity exists with respect to previous conviction. For example, it says that the 1.5 rule will not apply to someone who has had a previous conviction. Are we talking about a conviction only under a federal statute, or does that also apply to a provincial conviction? Why not define the term “previous conviction”?