I would say we have opposed the imposition of mandatory minimum sentences in the past, and we are opposed to the imposition of mandatory minimum sentences as set out in this particular bill. I wouldn't want to say categorically.... I'm not in a position to say categorically, in every single case, we have always taken that position, but in terms of the particular mandatory minimum sentences that are proposed in this bill, for the concerns that we've identified, we're in opposition.
Leaving an example of some disproportionality that can result when mandatory minimum sentences--for instance, those that are already in place in the law, particularly with respect to the imposition of mandatory minimum sentences in driving impaired cases--the analogy between the impact of that sometimes is disproportionate on disadvantaged groups, as is what could happen with respect to this legislation. For individuals who are in remote communities and may not have the same benefit of access to intermittent sentences, where they can still maintain jobs and things of that nature, there is some disproportionality that can result from the already existing mandatory minimum sentences.