With respect to the drug treatment courts, the bill prevents entry into the drug treatment courts if any of the aggravating factors are met. Our submission on that point is that entry into the drug treatment courts shouldn't be precluded by those particular factors and that they should be left to each of the individual drug treatment courts for consideration. They have their own factors that they consider.
We also have identified our concern about the fact that there aren't drug treatment courts available in all jurisdictions, particularly in rural areas even within the provinces where they're available right now. Also, there's what appears to be some ambiguity in respect of proposed subsection 10(5), because proposed subsection 10(5) provides that for people who successfully participate in and complete a drug treatment program, the mandatory minimum sentence wouldn't apply, but if they successfully participate in and complete a treatment program, as defined in section 720 of the code, which is required to have court supervision, a mandatory minimum sentence would apply. So it would seem that when there are two different individuals who presumably have been successfully rehabilitated, one is going to be subject to a mandatory minimum sentence and the other would not be.