Mr. Petit, I will try to answer you to the best of my ability. Those who are more familiar with the Hells Angels than I am could perhaps add to my response.
There are two things that come to mind. First of all, certain large criminal organizations, such as the mafia, will not necessarily incorporate, as you say, or wear items of clothing that could identify them. In that case, it is more of a lifestyle, a culture or a cult that is involved. I do not think, however, that simply because an organization appears on a list, it would necessarily change its name. It is important to understand that, for many criminal organizations, such as the mafia and other groups that originated in Asian countries, it is a question of pride and membership in a particular circle. I do not think an organization would change its name, to call itself Mafia 1 or Mafia 2, just because we have taken action.
For many of its members, it is really a question of personal pride and membership in a group. Personally, I do not see it that way. However, I cannot speak for the Hells Angels. Nor do I want to address the legal question, because that is not part of my expertise. I think we could go forward and consider the possibility of technical variations in organizations. That is the way it works with the drug legislation. If we add a drug to the list, we will also add its derivatives. There are technical terms available to ensure that criminals cannot use just any derivative or polymer. In terms of the precursors, we will obviously use the derivatives of the precursor itself.