Could I respond to that, please?
It is correct that there is a federal program. It is very, very limited, and in fact, the federal government has, on the last three occasions, been unsuccessful in court. We just had a recent court decision where the federal government tried to appeal an earlier Ontario Court of Appeal decision, which in effect said that the medical marijuana program is so narrow that it is really not accessible. And the Supreme Court of Canada threw out the federal government's appeal on that, so the government lost on that.
We know that the federal government has said that someone who has a licence to grow medical marijuana can now grow it for two patients instead of one. If you talk to anybody who is involved in a compassion club, where they may have several hundred members, they will tell you that the program Mr. Saint-Denis is referring to is virtually useless. It is being challenged all the time.
Yes, it does exist, but the reason the compassion clubs exist is that it's so ineffective and so inaccessible. The product itself is quite expensive and the quality has been seriously challenged.
That is to answer Mr. Bagnell's question.