Yes. What it would do is replace lines 9 to 12 on page 2 with the following:
or near a school, or on or near school grounds
In effect, if my amendment passed, it would take out “or in or near any other public place usually frequented by persons under the age of 18 years”.
You'll remember that when we heard the witnesses, there was a fair amount of testimony from witnesses who believed including this idea of a public place, which could be a mall, a cinema, or any kind of public place, would really incorporate any area where young people may be involved with other younger people who are passing a joint. We heard quite a lot of testimony that to include “any other public place” without having any definition of it was very problematic and would absolutely broaden the scope of the net in terms of capturing people, which I think would be very contrary to what we heard from many of the Conservative members in terms of their understanding of who this bill is aimed at.
That's why I've made this amendment. I hope that's clear for people.