It may satisfy me, but it's not going to stop the individually accused Hells Angels member from delaying the trial process by challenging the listing process you've created. That challenge wouldn't be open to him or her if you just left it alone or created that kind of evidentiary presumption--some kind of certificate process.
In other words, it's a collateral challenge that will delay the real issue, which isn't whether or not the Hells Angels is a criminal organization. The real issue is whether or not these alleged Hells Angels members are part of a criminal organization and should be sent to jail for a longer period of time because of being in a criminal organization. You would be allowing defence obfuscation. I don't want to suggest I haven't made a living from that in the past, but I'm trying to tell you here as a witness--being more neutral minded--that you don't need it.
I just want to say one thing. I'm sorry, but to the extent that all of you are saying that the prosecutors are saying it's necessary, if you look at Mr. Bartlett's testimony on May 12, he told you: “On the views of the prosecutors, we have discussed the issue of the evidentiary burden with various”--