We'll reconvene the meeting.
We're pleased to welcome a number of witnesses to assist us with our review of Bill C-232. First of all, I want to welcome our colleague, Monsieur Yvon Godin. Also, we have with us the Fédération des associations de juristes d'expression française de common law inc., represented by Louise Aucoin, who is the president, as well as by Rénald Rémillard, who is the executive director. Then we have two individuals appearing: Michel Doucet, who is a lawyer and full professor at the faculty of law at the University of Moncton, as well as Christian Michaud, a constitutional language rights lawyer with Cox & Palmer.
Welcome to all of you.
Each of you will have five minutes to present, except for Monsieur Godin. Because it's his bill, we're going to give him 10 minutes. Then we'll open the floor up for questions.
Monsieur Godin, would you like to start?