There were two parts to your question.
With respect to victims, I would refer you to clause 11 of the bill, which makes specific references to the expenses incurred by individuals in trying to re-establish their identity. There are direct provisions now in the Criminal Code to assist those individuals who have been the victims of identity theft.
With respect to victims in general, you'd be aware of my recent announcement that we will be bringing forward in Parliament new legislation to attack white collar crime. One of the provisions that I indicated will be in that legislation is to make the system a little more user friendly for people who are victims, to make application to the court and have their interests heard. We are very concerned about that. As you know, we instituted the first federal ombudsman for victims of crime, which is a big step forward in making sure that victims' rights are heard. I think all of these are improvements.
Concerning public education, believe it or not, Mr. Murphy, I have people coming to me—insurance bureaus, lending institutions, law enforcement agencies—who want to see these laws updated and improved. Again, we were happy to work with them.
We are happy to bring publicity to all of these measures. In fact, you and all members of Parliament can be part of that, in bringing those to people's attention through householders, and so on, and letting them know that there will be greater protection for them in terms of their identify. So we're all in this together.
Certainly this will be a huge improvement.