I would be very happy if you would follow up on this for me. I'm not asking you to reveal any confidential information. RCMP operations will not be affected. I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know how many people are employed in your largest unit and in your specialized informatics unit.
I would like to read the Canadian Bar Association's submission. However, as I recall, the changes that you are proposing are few and relatively minor. Basically, as I understand it, you, the experts, are satisfied with the proposed legislation and believe that we should move to adopt it as quickly as possible. Is that right?
I have one final comment. Back in 2000, I was struck by a television program that I saw. It showed the CBC interviewing some people back in 1950. They were asked to give their predictions for the year 2000. Many predicted that people would be travelling to the moon and into space. They predicted honeymoons spent in zero gravity conditions, video phones and all kinds of things. A lieutenant in the French navy was also interviewed. I really don't know why he was, but he gave the best prediction of all. He predicted that computers would transform our lives by the year 2000. He was spot on with his prediction.
I still bragged about being computer illiterate in 1996. Since then, I have made an effort to improve my skills and I will admit that I couldn't do without my computer today. However, I do get the impression that some of the information that I transmit via my computer could become public knowledge. My banking transactions are conducted strictly with my bank. I feel that if I start to transfer sums of money from one bank to another, I could be a victim of theft. Am I cautious enough? I agree that it's a marvellous tool for paying bills. So far, I have not had any unpleasant experiences. However, I think that if I were to start transferring funds from one bank to another, then I would be putting myself at risk. I've just read an excellent novel by the name of Millénium that deals with this very subject. Has anyone else read it?