What I understand about property registration.... I understand what you're saying, and I know it happens, but in order to perpetrate the fraud that will result in the fraudulent registration of title or fraudulent sale of real property--maybe not in all cases, maybe you have first-hand knowledge, so you can educate us--wouldn't you think most of the people would already have gone through the wicket of committing one of the crimes of identity theft to do so? In New Brunswick, at least, and under land titles across the country, I think you have to provide documentation. Personification, I guess, is one of the code provisions. Another one is identity theft. I mean, aren't there already...?
Let's put it this way, bluntly. I understand that sections 386 and 387 are specifically identifying the actual crime that you'd like covered, that you deal with, that you pay out claims on. I understand that. If it doesn't go beyond the scope of the bill, certainly, we'll look at that--it seems very reasonable--but are the actions that underlie sections 386 and 387 not already covered by the Criminal Code and these amendments?