Yes. You have them before you.
I gave my opinion as to the constitutionality if we were to wipe it out retroactively. But what we have done is to put some parameters and make some procedural changes with respect to those people who are already eligible or that was part of their sentence. I think closing the window on when the application can be made, spreading it out to every five years, and giving them a 90-day window in which to make the application or they're out of luck for five years are all reasonable steps and in the right direction. You'll get away from the system that has been in place where they may apply after 15 or 15 and a half years, or they might wait, whenever they do it, and then every couple of years after that. It's not the way to do it.
This is a huge improvement, and again I hope this gets the support of everyone here. It's a step in the right direction.