If I may, I'll speak to the breath tests. Greg may wish to speak to other points.
Currently the police services throughout the country have the option to use tools that are within the Criminal Code. In respect of alcohol breath testing, they have the tool of the approved screening device and the tool of the approved instrument.
My colleague, Mr. Yost, has spoken about the possibility that we may see instruments in the future that will actually be able to do both the approved screening device test and the approved instrument test. However, one of the difficulties in Canada that you may hear from scientists, if you're going to be hearing from scientists from the alcohol test committee of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science, is that their standards and also current Criminal Code provisions require that a qualified technician do the approved instrument test. So even if you have one of these simplified pieces of equipment at the roadside, only the officer who is a qualified technician may use it in the approved instrument—