At present the provincial governments can run programs of ignition interlock, so that where a person has committed a Criminal Code impaired driving offence, the province can tell them that as a condition of getting their provincial driving licence back they must have an ignition interlock device. Parliament has amended the Criminal Code to say that in a province where there is an ignition interlock device program, if that provincial program allows you to enter, you might have a reduction in your federal Criminal Code driving prohibition, which currently, on first offence, is a minimum of one year. That could be reduced to three months if the person uses an interlock device. Some witnesses in 2008 suggested that this minimum three months could be reduced even further, so people would be encouraged right away to get on to the provincial program, rather than waiting three months in the case of a first offence, waiting six months in the case of a second-time offender, or waiting one year in the case of a third-time offender.
On February 23rd, 2009. See this statement in context.