Yes, we have. There are a couple of things I would say. One is that in the last 15 years there has been a much more concerted effort by all governments, and I stress the words “all governments”. I'll give you an example.
Over that period of time, more and more provinces have introduced administrative roadside sanctions; it seems to be something that's there. It differs from province to province, and the rates differ from province to province. In some provinces, if you get stopped, you get suspended for 12 hours: you park your car and come back and pick it up the next day. In other provinces it's 24 hours. What we're all trying to do is make these more common so that the public understands the risks of getting caught.
There's another thing that I think has been happening, and some recommendations are coming out of the CCMTA. It's important for province A to know what has happened in province B. People move across this country a great deal. If they have a record in one province, even if it's only two or three of these roadside administrative suspensions, in the next province that person is going to live in you want to know what that history has been. So the administration of these mechanisms is being improved and tightened up. One of the next biggest things that has to happen is that we have to convey this to the public so that the driving and the drinking public understand their chances.
One of the other things is that there were no records if you were stopped two or three times. No records of that were kept.
One of the recommendations now being taken up by a number of provinces is that if you get stopped, let's say, three times in two years for over 0.05 but below 0.08, that says something about you as an individual and you as a driver. It says that maybe that's the wrong kind of trend and maybe there needs to be some intervention there.
I think there's a whole series of these things that have happened, largely below the public radar. It's good governance, in a sense, and it's efficiency within the programs themselves that I think are bringing about some better success.