Before I leave, let's make sure that the money is always there for special squads on organized crime. If we are really serious about fighting organized crime, let's make sure that the funds are available to fight it, as you mentioned before, and that it's not a case of saying we're done with this and have made some arrests, and now we're moving to another file. That's a problem; there is a lack of personal understanding of other priorities that we should maintain, such as money for dealing with the mafia, the Hells Angels, the street gangs. We also need to make sure that there are always prosecutors attached to those cases.
That's why we have had so much success over the years: when we decided to attach prosecutors to those special squads, there were many fewer cases lost. We almost won.... We were talking about the springtime of 2001. Of the 158 people arrested—or maybe, you were mentioning, 300—at one time, I think 99.9% were convicted.
Finally, again as I said, bring in some laws so that we can solve the problem.
Let's be uncompromising in sentencing; that's what's important.