A senior RCMP person was quoted in one my earlier books saying that Canada is largely regarded as Maytag of the north. In other words, we are known as a major and very easy place for money laundering. So money is the nexus; that's why the gangsters are involved in crime and that's where you could hurt them.
On the important issue of Revenue Canada, it's my understanding that Revenue Canada cannot be seen as being an arm of the police. They can't be used as fishing expeditions. We don't want our tax people to be used as part of a police state or police activity.
That being said, I was surprised.... When I met with Revenue Canada I didn't know they have investigators not just checking your taxes, but active investigators. They will look through newspapers, and when there's a robbery and a lot of jewels or big art pieces are stolen they think that person seems to have a lot money. So when something tweaks them they're allowed to investigate. And significantly, they're allowed to target certain groups, like seasonal workers.
So perhaps you could look. Could they not decide to target certain groups because of reasonable suspicions or certain individuals because of flashy, overt lifestyles without being seen as being an arm of the police? It's something worth investigating.