Thank you.
I'd like to go back to a subject that you all addressed. That's the fact that, contrary to what is perhaps happening in other countries, members of organized crime like the Hells Angels, for example, can walk the streets, in public, with impunity in most places in Canada. It's not illegal for them to display their symbols, which are symbols of intimidation.
You mentioned, I believe it was Mr. Sher who did so—examples of certain cities, in Saskatchewan, Vancouver, where municipal authorities have adopted by-laws enabling police officers to expel Hells Angels members, for example. If they resist, then there are reasonable grounds to proceed with an arrest for obstructing a police officer. Do you think that practice should be spread?
Then someone talked about a federal government order. I would like to hear a little more on that subject.
I'm not just speaking to Mr. Sher. If the other witnesses want to add something, I invite them to do so.