Let me start. Mr. Farber's a far greater expert than I in these matters.
The first thing that subsection 13(1) does is it acts as an official denunciation, on behalf of the Canadian public, of this sort of communication. That denunciation may strike some members of this committee as being superfluous, but in these days it may not be. The fact of an official statement that this is beyond the realm of reasonable communication--this is not a debate, this has crossed over the line--is extraordinarily important. It's also important as an assistance to impressionable people to understand that what's going on here is beyond the realm of all reasonable debate.
Would taking down these websites prevent that sort of desecration? It's not clear to me whether it would or it wouldn't. It seems intuitively to be correct that the less the Internet becomes a forum--at least locally--for this sort of incitement, the better, and the more likely it is that people will be respectful. I'm not sure that it is a sufficient protection, but it certainly is an extraordinarily helpful sort of protection.