Thank you very much.
My other question is about a parole board report that came out on April 13, 2009 and which appears to give—I don't have the actual report, but just have a summary of it—the actual number of offenders who have been deemed eligible to apply for judicial review under section 745 since the first judicial hearing under that faint hope clause was held in 1987. It appears to state that no one who has actually received early release under section 745 has gone on to commit murder.
Mr. Mandelcorn and Ms. Pate, are you aware of any other studies that have looked at all of the statistics regarding the number of inmates since 1976 who were eligible for parole under section 745--who went through the process and were actually deemed to be eligible to go before the parole board--and went before the parole board and actually received early release, and while released actually committed another murder for which they would have been subject to a life sentence without parole?
I'm asking both of you if you're aware of that and whether it exists. Do you have any information that would indicate yes or no, or you don't know?