Is there anybody else?
All right. I will rule on whether this is a matter that relates to a point of privilege. I'm using as my reference the newly issued O'Brien and Bosc.
I'd like to first of all highlight the fact that the peculiar rights, as they're referred to, I'll divide into two categories. One is extended to members individually, and then there are those that are extended to the House collectively. From everything I've heard, I believe this deals with the rights extended to members individually.
There are five heads under that right. First of all, there is freedom of speech, which this doesn't impact. There is freedom from arrest and civil actions, which it doesn't impact. There is exemption from jury duty, which, again, is not applicable. There is exemption from being subpoenaed to attend court as a witness. The fifth one is freedom from obstruction, interference, intimidation, and molestation. I believe, from the material I've seen from Mr. Comartin, and from the comments he's made both today and on November 23, he's referring to obstruction and interference.
My role is to determine whether the matter raised by Mr. Comartin relates to privilege. I also note that the point of privilege raised is against a minister of the crown specifically and relates specifically to the Minister of Public Safety.
I have consulted with the clerk and have reviewed O'Brien and Bosc. There's no specific case in point that previous speakers have ruled on. There are some cases that are similar, and for those of you who wish to check this later, I refer to page 115 of O'Brien and Bosc , and specifically to footnote 242.
Speaker Milliken on February 25, 2004, was dealing with a prima facie breach of privilege concerning misleading statements in the 1999-2000 report on plans and priorities of the Department of Public Works and Government Services.
What's important are the two sentences I will read right now, again in that footnote 242 on page 115:
The Speaker found no evidence to indicate that departmental officials had deliberately intended to deceive and obstruct Members. He noted, however, that if the Standing Committee on Public Accounts were to present the House with such evidence, it could constitute grounds for raising a question of privilege.
I note there the words “deliberately intended”. I believe the words “obstruct” and “interfere” imply an element of intent and an element of deliberation.
I wanted to refer to some of Mr. Comartin's comments leading up to this matter being dealt with today. I'm going to refer back to his comments on November 23, when he referred to a discussion he had with Mr. Lukiwski, the Deputy House Leader of the Conservative Party.
He said that he--referring to Mr. Don Head--believed he gave it--referring presumably to the information Mr. Comartin was seeking--to “the Minister of Public Safety and National Security. Mr. Lukiwski confirmed early this afternoon that, in fact, the minister had it, has had it since at least last week, last Monday, has not seen it, is reviewing it, and will provide it to us in a week's time”.
That causes me some concern, because I believe Mr. Comartin assumes the information he received from the clerk, as well as from Mr. Lukiwski, is correct that in fact the minister had not seen that information at the time Mr. Comartin apparently was considering this point of privilege. Yet later on he remarks that “there has been direct interference by the minister in a situation where he should not have had any involvement at all”.
Then I go on again to quote Mr. Comartin as follows:
Whether or not the information was withheld intentionally or unintentionally, the minister has nonetheless, without reasonable excuse, refused to answer a question or provide information required by the committee, which created the possibility of a finding of obstruction by the minister in the committee's work.
So I have to draw from Mr. Comartin's comments at our last meeting that he's not sure whether in fact the information was withheld intentionally or unintentionally. He alleges “without reasonable excuse”. I'm not aware that the minister has ever been provided an opportunity to answer that claim—certainly not here at this committee. And I'm not sure that simply referring to the possibility of finding obstruction is enough to make out that this matter relates to privilege.
To wind this up, I want to say that a matter of privilege is not simply conjecture. Alleging that a minister has infringed upon a member's privileges by deliberately and with intent obstructing or interfering with a member's work is a very serious charge. Before I would find that a matter relates to a point of privilege, I would have to be confident that the member raising the point of privilege is alleging an actual intentional act to interfere or obstruct.
As I say, I don't have any clear direction in O'Brien and Bosc on the issue. There are no cases specifically on that point. I can just draw from the cases there that are somewhat similar and come to a conclusion on that.
I don't believe a point of privilege was ever intended to be used as a fishing expedition, although I'm sure that was not Mr. Comartin's intent here. This committee and Mr. Comartin himself have means available to secure a clarification from the minister as to the reasons for the delay in receiving the documentation Mr. Head provided on or about November 13.
I also want to note that we often face cases where information is delayed, and for many different reasons. I can think of many different reasons why a minister would not be able to immediately provide information, which would provide a reasonable excuse. The allegation is that there is no reasonable excuse here. I would think it would behoove us to first determine the cause of such delays through other means before resorting to a point of privilege.
It's for those reasons that I am unable to find that the matters Mr. Comartin has raised relate to a matter of privilege. I do want to assure the members of this committee that I take questions of privilege very seriously. If a matter properly deserves to be treated as relating to a point of privilege, I will act accordingly.
I thank all of you for your input into that process.
Mr. Comartin.