Pardon me for missing some of the testimony. I was in the House giving a speech on child pornography, which may not seem to be related to this, but in New Brunswick, a provincial act is going to be brought in by the government envisioning civil forfeiture for crimes in the realm of child pornography.
According to my colleague,
Mr. Roy said something about the role of the province, in that case.
Do you see a need for better and more provincial statutes harmonizing with the federal Criminal Code—which is pretty weak on restitution, to be blunt—to get into the idea of forfeiture, not just restitution but freezing of assets pending lawsuits? You may all know that there are such remedies in civil law when applied for. You can pay a lawyer $5,000 or $10,000 to get an injunction to tie up assets.
Do you all agree there has to be some vehicle to make that more ready? Because often you get judgments against straw men.
That's to anyone.