I call the meeting to order. This is meeting 52 of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. Today is Monday, December 7, 2009.
You have before you the agenda for today. We're considering Bill C-52, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (sentencing for fraud).
We've divided today's meeting into two panels. First, we have a panel that includes witnesses from the RCMP. This is their third attempt to appear before us on this bill. We apologize for the inconvenience that we've put them through.
I know that you people have done your best to be here on time, but owing to a number of unforeseen circumstances we weren't able to accommodate you. We're eager to hear what you have to say today, so thank you for attending.
During the second hour of review, we'll be hearing additional witnesses on Bill C-52.
If there's any time left at the end, we can move to consider any committee business that members may want to raise. We have a budget for travel that we need to consider.
I wanted to note that this meeting is being televised and to remind you to turn off your BlackBerrys and take any phone calls outside the room.
Thank you.
Who's going to start for the RCMP?