Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and honourable members of the committee.
I wish to thank the committee for allowing me to come before you today to make a statement in regard to Bill C-52 on behalf of the alleged victims of the Earl Jones case of white collar crime.
I also want to thank the Conservative government and the members of the three other federal political parties for their meeting during the summer months, when the events of this tragedy occurred.
As victims of crimes committed by white collar criminals, we want to thank you for listening to our voices and our recommendations in tabling Bill C-52 against white collar crimes in Canada.
Before I begin my comments on Bill C-52, I would like to briefly remind you of the circumstances surrounding the Earl Jones case.
In July of this year, an invisible bomb exploded in the lives of over 200 people. In the first week of July, Earl Jones, this seemingly charming and erudite man, had locked the front door of his West Island business office, did not return phone calls or e-mails from worried clients, and went missing for nearly three weeks. This left a feeling of panic and confusion amongst all his former clients, until we mobilized ourselves and learned of the truth on the 12th day of July.
Some Quebec provincial authorities, meaning the Sûreté du Québec and the AMF, attended the first meeting with victims, as did the designated bankruptcy trustee RSM Richter and the bankruptcy attorneys, when it was announced that all the remaining assets of the Earl Jones Consultant & Administration Corporation assets had been seized and that the company had officially declared bankruptcy. No one knew why nor how Earl Jones went about being the author of their financial destruction.
The beginnings of any fraud start with trust. Earl Jones gained the trust of his clients, close personal friends, members of his own family, and his “enablers”--which I will explain a little further on--all a long time ago.
This particular case of fraud, or Ponzi scheme, is not that of a fly-by-night operation. This Ponzi scheme resulted from the deliberate planning of a determined financial predator laying the seeds of trust from the outset. As can be attested to by the various banking records and other documents uncovered within the bankruptcy, this Ponzi scheme was perpetrated over an extended period of 30 years of uninterrupted swindling. This level of betrayal has shattered the lives of his own family, his once close circle of lifelong friendships, and of course devastated the lives of all of his former clients.
Of the noted 185 creditors of the Earl Jones bankruptcy, those aged 50-plus and seniors comprise approximately 90% of the Earl Jones client registry, a list originally compiled by the Earl Jones Victims Committee of all former clients and alleged victims.
The financial as well as the emotional trauma suffered by these victims affects three generations within the family structure. These are the investors themselves, typically the grandparents who have lost all of their life savings; the adult children of the investors, who are now left to financially support their parents; and the children and grandchildren of the investors, whose inheritance and financial security have been stolen from them.
To quote some recent statistics on white collar crime in Canada, and based on published news reports in the Canadian press and on information available from RSM Richter, the trustee in bankruptcy for the Earl Jones case, of seven high-profile white collar crimes in Canada over the past five years, the Earl Jones Ponzi stands out as the single largest per capita loss, at an average loss of $477,000 per victim.
In our opinion, Bill C-52 can be summarized as a bill that attempts to, one, be a better deterrent of white collar crime through a new promise of mandatory prison sentences, and two, provides a greater sense of justice to victims, thanks to the knowledge that the criminal is going to jail and the fact that restitution from the perpetrator can now be addressed by the criminal courts.
To add strength to this bill that would raise the level of change threshold within the minds of the Canadian public, however, we strongly believe our specific recommendations would have an impact on providing that sense of deterrence and justice to victims of white collar crime.
Our first recommendation to ensure Bill C-52 reaches the level of change threshold required to make a meaningful difference in determining white collar crime relates to mandatory sentencing. While we see the introduction of the two-year mandatory jail time as positive, the deterrent power of this provision in the mind of the fraudster is less significant than its consideration of the total jail time he is likely to serve. What we are referring to here is the far greater deterrent impact that could be expected by commonly imposing 14-year sentences, coupled with the elimination of the one-sixth early release rule. I realize that the latter is a subject of Bill C-53, but it helps put in perspective our thoughts on the minimum mandatory sentence proposed in Bill C-52.
Our second recommendation is to introduce the limited temporary relief for victims of financial crime to mitigate the psychological and financial impact of fraud. A copy of this plan has already been forwarded to each of you, as well as to other government ministers at both the federal and provincial levels, for your review and consideration.
Without the means to financially survive for the first 12 months after being victimized by an act of financial crime, the restitution called for in Bill C-52 would likely come too late to prevent the terrible downward spiral of selling family homes, taking handouts from already financially stretched children, and making other personally devastating life adjustments. Bill C-52's call for restitution is admirable. Let's make it more meaningful by providing the victims with the proposed limited temporary relief survival bridge to restitution.
Our third recommendation is to identify and target not just the lead criminal who perpetrated the crime, but those financial institutions, associations, and professionals who, through egregious neglect, wilful blindness, or gross incompetence, “enabled” these crimes. These enablers should be the first line of defence in the protection of the financial investor from the financial predator. Yet it is incumbent on investors to do their homework and to be careful, but even an informed investor—particularly a senior citizen—will too often be outmanoeuvred by an experienced financial predator.
We recommend that Bill C-52 be amended to mandate a systematic identification and investigation of the potential enabling roles of those financial institutions, those associations, and those professionals in every future white collar crime case in Canada.
We further recommend that, if it is determined that these enablers could have reasonably been expected to have noticed and/or prevented the fraud that was committed, then they should have a legal responsibility to provide restitution to the victim just as much as the perpetrator of those crimes.
As a citizens group, the Earl Jones' victims organizing committee has been relentless in its desire for justice and restitution for all victims of financial crimes.
In conclusion, I wish to thank the committee for allowing me to present our views in shaping new legislation that will help protect Canadians against further white collar crimes.
Thank you.