I will respond.
The evidence indicates that every country that has introduced 0.05, or a lowered their legal limit, has obtained significant traffic safety benefits. The evidence also indicates that among those groups, the group that appears to be most deterred by lowering the blood alcohol level is the so-called hardcore drinking driver. In other words, the decreases in driving among that group are greater. So a 0.05 federal impaired driving offence would have a significant deterrent impact.
The other thing is that Australia has had 0.05 for 25 years. There's no evidence that when it went from 0.08 to 0.05 its courts were backlogged. Every state in the United States has gone from a 0.1 to a 0.08 criminal offence. There's no evidence of any backlog. A 0.05 would have a major deterrent impact. That's not to say that we don't favour beefing up the provincial administrative 0.05. We also support that, and we support both of those measures.