Thank you, Mr. Dixon and Mr. Garrick, for being here.
I have some general questions. I'm not going to ask you anything specific. You obviously gather information from all jurisdictions, the reports from each province, and then you knit them together into a national report. Let me be a bit parochial: it seems that in British Columbia the police authorities were not able to foretell what is happening today on the streets, in greater Vancouver in particular. If they had been able to, they would have tried to disrupt or do something to mitigate what is happening.
I'm sensing that the intelligence gathering at that level and putting it together is not as effective as it could be, and it obviously doesn't do as much good when it comes into your report nationally. I would like you to direct your mind to what it is that you believe policing agencies and intelligence-gathering activities on the ground need more of or different from what they have today so that what you present to Canadians is able to tell Canadians that the policing community has the ability to predict and to disrupt, pre-emptively if possible, some of what's happening today.