I do not speak French very well.
You're looking mainly at how to improve the tracing, and I agree with you that the issue is moving into businesses and properties being acquired and expanding into construction companies and empires, as opposed to just dealing on the street or supplying dealers. It's becoming a criminal enterprise at a much higher level.
It wasn't meant to be just a minor comment. The ability to identify who owns assets is important. Quite often the same lawyers will incorporate companies and be the main lawyers for an organized crime group, as an example. Being able to track the address used... If they're setting up nominee companies initially, a common lawyer will be used for a number of these companies, so it's having the ability to do better corporate traces as well as property searches to look at ownership, rather than just having to pick an address and find out who owns it. Then we'd be able to do broader searches. For example, if you know an organized crime group is involved in a certain company, we'd be able to track what that company owns beyond that.
I'll let you go ahead and ask a follow-up question.