Thank you very much.
Thank you to the witnesses for being with us today. I want to begin by apologizing for arriving a few minutes late. I like to give people the opportunity, at least once in their lives, to hear a politician apologize when it's appropriate.
I have appreciated your comments.
I'd like to direct some questions particularly to our guests from the Public Prosecution Service. One of the recommendations I have heard and am considering has to do with case management, particularly in organized crime, with the lengthy trials. This of course relates to disclosure issues as well as other things. The recommendation or proposal would be to amend section 645 to allow judges who are not going to actually hear the trial to make pre-trial rulings.
I can think of some benefits and some disadvantages to that, but I would be grateful to hear from the point of view of our prosecution service—if you can tell me succinctly—what would be the benefits and the disadvantages of that, and on balance, whether you think that would be a good or a bad thing from the prosecution's point of view.