Some of that was raised here. There is a dichotomy, and I really see that in this information. There's a difference between those who are the organizers and leaders, who are fairly sophisticated and running organizations, versus the rest. How we delineate the two, become aware of the two, and manage the two groups is very important for understanding.
It's a fairly new phenomenon for us in Canadian corrections. I know in some regions it's been around for a long time; other regions are experiencing it now. It has been manifested in the correctional systems in the U.S. for a long time.
Colleagues who have done research in this area have given us some insights on the level of embeddedness of somebody in an organization. It's a critical factor that we need to gather for the research as well. Our ability to disengage somebody from an organization is usually contingent on the amount of embeddedness they have within that group.
They have developed new tools and techniques, and we can learn from others internationally as well. So I would implore you to continue to support advanced research in this area and focused research on this topic, because very little has been done.