Two minutes is a short time, and I have a few questions, so I'm wondering, Minister Nicholson, Ms. Latimer, and Ms. Kingston, if I could ask a few questions and ask for a written response. Is that possible? Thank you.
First, concerning the Nunn Commission, recommendations 24 and 25 are not in this bill, and I'm wondering if you can provide us with reasons as to why they're not included. Thank you.
You used the language “diminished moral blameworthiness”, and I'm wondering where that language comes from.
Next, concerning denouncing unlawful conduct, I'm wondering if you can forward to the committee the studies or reports you're relying upon to show that deterrence would work with young people.
If there is time for a verbal answer for this one, I'm wondering about sexual assault, specifically when it comes to pre-sentence detention, which is prohibited unless it's a serious offence. As you know, sexual assault covers a range of behaviours. At our office we had a young man who grabbed the breast of a girl in the bus school lineup, so it can be a pretty broad range. Will it constitute a serious offence in all cases, or is there latitude there?