We are not comfortable with this measure and we do not support it. We don't believe that publishing the names of young people in the media will do anything more for victims, whether in terms of safety or in terms of feeling that the justice system is more humane or fairer to them. This measure stigmatizes young people and we do not see what use it is. It is a punitive measure that produces no results.
We had a similar position, for example, when the question was about posting the names of pedophiles in public places. Victims' rights groups as a whole, in Quebec, take a relatively nuanced and moderate position. They always keep in mind the balance between the rights of victims and offenders. These are young people and we have to think about the future and the repercussions this might have. If they were our own children, would we want them to be stigmatized for life? Would we not rather want to give them a chance to return to society as good citizens?